The yogis have ‘visualized’ the internal functional structure of a human body as a sitara.
The sitara depicted in the hands of Goddess Saraswati symbolizes its spiritual importance. It implies that Goddess Saraswati – the divine power of discerning and righteous intelligence appears in the subtle body, which has the structure similar to that of a sitara. The sitara in the subtle body of a human being consists of the ‘wires’ of the Ida, Pingala and Susumna Nadis that conjugate on one end in the coil of Kundalini, which is lying dormant in the Muladhara Cakra. The Sat Cakras are different points where this sitara is striken by the prana to produce specific swaras of the eternal music of Omkara.


Music – The Nectar of Life by Pt. SHRIRAM SHARMA ACHARYA